Friday, December 3, 2010

Enjoying a FANTASTIC Holiday!

Hey fellas. Long time no see :D

I've been quite preoccupied for the past few weeks. I'm in Indonesia now... Having a great time. The only problem is, my friends and family in Indonesia are still taking their final exam now. So I'm usually left alone at home, with my Mom. But I guess it's okay. I mean, I still enjoy my time here. I don't live here any more, and I really, really miss Indonesia.

So.. I'm trying to finish all my homeworks now. So that for the remaining weeks I don't have to worry about school anymore. But I've got a little problem here. I lost my Chemistry worksheets! Wait, not only worksheets but also some of my notes. I really don't know where they are now. I think I left them either in my room or downstairs, but I've searched the entire house, and it's nowhere to be found! But what boggles my mind even more is that, around 2 weeks ago I was cleaning up my room, throwing away papers and other stuff that I don't need anymore. I'm worried that I accidentally put my Chemistry worksheets and notes there. *Gulp*.

The next problem is... Well, actually this isn't a big of a deal as the first one. My English homework is to create four summaries and reflections of an article on the Straits Times newspaper (Singaporean newspaper). Since I'm spending the whole holiday in Indonesia... I don't know whether I can buy the newspaper or not. But I was thinking... Maybe I can take some articles from the online website :/ but still, the articles there are not as complete as the ones in the newspaper, and if I'm not mistaken, the instructions clearly say to take it from the magazine :/.

But nevermind, I'm sure I can find a way out. I've finished Geography, Social Studies, Physics and Malay. I've done English, E Maths and A Maths halfway too :D

Enough about school. Oh yeah. On Wednesday, Indonesia beat Malaysia in a soccer game, Indonesia 5-1 Malaysia! I am so proud :) GO INDONESIA!

I guess that's all I'll say today. There are tons of stuff I'm experiencing right now, but I guess I'll tell you guys later. So long for now... Byebye :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lesson From A Terrapin

By: Pulpit Helps

There was a boy who found a terrapin, more commonly known as a turtle.

He started to examine it but the turtle pulled in its head and closed its shell like a vice. The boy was upset and he picked up a stick to try to pry it open.

The boy’s uncle saw all this and remarked, “No, that’s not the way! In fact, you may kill the turtle but you’ll not get it open up with a stick.”

The uncle took the terrapin into the house and set it near the fireplace. It wasn’t but a few minutes until it began to get warm. Then the turtle pushed out its head, then stretched out its legs and began to crawl.

“Turtles are like that,” said the uncle, “and people, too. You can’t force them into anything. But if you first warm them up with some real kindness, more than likely, they will do what you want them to do.”


No Time To Brag

By: Author Unknown

Two geese were about to start southward on their annual migration, when they were entreated by a frog to take him with them. The geese expressed their willingness to do so if a means of conveyance could be devised.

The frog produced a long stalk of pond grass, got the geese each to grab an end with their beaks, while he clung to it by his mouth in the middle. In this way the three began their journey. Some farmers below noticed the strange sight. The men loudly expressed their admiration for the travel device and wondered who had been clever enough to discover it. Whereupon the vainglorious frog opened his mouth to say, “It was I,” lost his grip, fell to earth, and was dashed to pieces.

Moral: When you have a good thing going, keep your mouth shut!


Time Management Parable

By: Author Unknown

One day, an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget.

As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said,

“Okay, time for a quiz” and he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth mason jar and set it on the table in front of him. He also produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar.

When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is this jar full?” everyone in the class yelled, “Yes.”

This time management expert replied, “Really?” he reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces between the big rocks. He then asked the group once more, “Is the jar full?”

By this time the class was on to him. “Probably not,” one of them answered.

“Good!” he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, “Is this jar full?” “No!” the class shouted.

Once again he said, “Good.” Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, “What is the point of this illustration?”

One eager beaver raised his hand and said, “The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it!”

“No,” the speaker replied, “that’s not the point. The truth this illustration teaches us is: If you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all.”

What are the ‘big rocks’ in your life, time with your loved ones, your faith, your education, your dreams, a worthy cause, teaching or mentoring others? Remember to put these big rocks in first or you’ll never get them in at all. So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are reflecting on this short story, ask yourself this question: What are the ‘big rocks’ in my life? Then, put those in your jar first.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober


Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah dara jang satoe, tanah air Indonesia.


Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia, mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa Indonesia.


Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia, mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pray For Indonesia

On Monday 26 October, an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude triggered a tsunami near Sumatra, killing at least 113 people and injuring many. On Tuesday 27 October, the volcanic eruption of Mount Merapi in West Java displaced thousands of villagers. The toll of deaths and injuries continue to rise, while family members continue to search for their loved ones.

I would like to extend my prayers and hope for those who affected in this difficult time.

Spread the love.

-Proud Indonesian.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

December Holidays ARE COMING!

"Well hello people. It's the last week of school! I can't believe I'm gonna be back at home in a couple of weeks. I still have this headstart programme thing for one and a half weeks so I have to stay in Singapore for a bit longer. And that also means I'll have to spend my birthday in Singapore :(. But I'm trying to see the positive side of this. So... For this year only, I'm gonna 'postpone' my birthday and pretend that it's actually on the 14th of November. Which means I'll be 14 for 372 days and I'll be 15 for only 358 days. :D

The final exam results have come out and... Not bad :). I'm 6th in class! Happy to hear that.

The past few days I've been really really really into Glee. You know Glee right? It's this TV show on FOX. It's amazing, I really love it. As Cory Monteith put it, it's like High School Musical has been punched in the stomach and had it's lunch money stolen. I don't really get what he means.. But I guess I'll stick to his analogy. But I think it's just awesome and that you should watch it.

I didn't really know what Glee was until I heard my friends talking about it, which was like half a year ago. It's on every Tuesday/ Wednesday night (I forgot), and I'm not really allowed to watch TV on weekday-nights so that's why I didn't really know what Glee was. But I did watch an episode, after I asked permission from my Mom. And at that point of time, I didn't really get what people really saw in Glee, and just thought that it was just some ordinary TV show. But around two weeks ago me and my dad went to this DVD retailer and I bought the complete season 1 of Glee. And.. I finished watching all of it in like 4 or 5 nights (I had school during the day). And I loved it.

So.. FOX is already airing the second season now. I can't wait to go back to Indonesia so that I can watch Glee! I don't think they have FOX at the place I'm staying now. So for now I guess I'll just have to wait. Oh, and Glee does really awesome musical numbers. Watch this.

Ok so that's that. Oh, and I saw these really funny doormats. Check them out.

That's all for now... And see you in Indonesia! :D

"I used to think this was like the lamest thing on earth. And maybe it is. But we're all here for the same reason: 'cause we want to be good at something."
-Finn Hudson

"Being a part of the glee club and football has really showed that I can be anything. And what I am is... I'm gay."
-Kurt Hummel

"Glee is supposed to be what's inside your heart, not what's coursing through your veins."
-William "Will" Schuester

"I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help picturing small birds laying sulphurous eggs in there and I find it disgusting."
-Sue Sylvester

"Sometimes people have to deal with a little adversity. I learned that at glee club."
-Quinn Fabray

"Bring it on, William. I am reasonably confident that you'll be adding revenge to the long list of things you're not good at. Right next to being married, running a high-school glee club, and finding a hairstyle that doesn't make you look like a lesbian."
-Sue Sylvester

"I'm gonna bring some Asian cookery to rub your head with, 'cause right now you've got enough product in your hair to season a wok."
-Sue Sylvester

"[Sniffis] Oh, hey William. I thought I smelled cookies wafting from the ovens of the little elves who live in your hair."
-Sue Sylvester

"I'm a delinquent, sure. I like setting things on fire and beating up people I don't know. I own that. But I'm not a liar."
-Noah "Puck" Puckerman

"I'm a sex shark. If I stop moving, I die."
-Noah "Puck" Puckerman

"I'm proud to be different. It's the best thing about me."
-Kurt Hummel

"To be honest, Will, I'm having a really difficult time hearing anything you say today, because your hair looks like a briar patch. I keep expecting racist, animated Disney characters to pop up and sing songs about living on the bayou."
-Sue Sylvester

"I'm gonna take your house, your car, your extensive collection of vests. I mean, seriously, Will-you wear more vests than the cast of Blossom."
-Sue Sylvester

"Brittany: I don't want to do Britney.
Kurt: Why no Britney, Brittany?
Brittany: Because my name is also Britney Spears. My middle name is Susan. My last name is Pierce. That makes me Brittany S. Pierce-Britney Spears. I've lived my entire life in Britney Sprears's shadow and I'll never be as talented or as famous. I hope that you'll all respect that I want glee club to remain a place where I, Brittany S. Pierce, can escape the torment of Britney Spears."
-Brittany S. Pierce and Kurt Hummel

"[To Emma] I realise you're only half orangutan, but I'm still very allergic to your lustrous ginger mane."
-Sue Sylvester

"How can you do a duet with yourself? That's like, vocal masturbation, or something."

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kita - Sheila On 7

This song reminds me of Darwin. No, not Charles Darwin, I don’t even ‘know’ him. I’ve never met him. The Darwin I meant is my previous class in Indonesia. The classes in my school are named after famous scientists, archaeologists and other famous people, and my class was named after Charles Darwin. But we like to call ourselves ‘Darwewin’. It actually means ‘We win!’ and our form teacher’s name is actually ‘Wiwin’ so it’s like… Similar. Haha.

Okay, well, now we’re on our separate ways and I miss them so much! It’s the best class I’ve ever been in so far. This song just reminds me of Darwin. We were actually planning to sing this song together during graduation, but it was cancelled. Well, never mind :)

Di saat kita bersama
Di waktu kita tertawa
Menangis merenung
Oleh cinta

Kau coba hapuskan rasa
Rasa dimana kau melayang jauh
Dari jiwaku Juga mimpiku

Biarlah, biarlah
Hariku dan harimu
Terbelenggu satu
Oleh ucapan manismu

Reff 1 :

Dan kau bisikkan kata cinta
Kau t’lah percikkan rasa sayang
Pastikan kita seirama
Walau terikat rasa hina

Sekilas kau tampak layu
Jika kau rindukan gelak tawa
Yang warnai Lembar jalan kita
Reguk dan teguklah
Mimpiku dan mimpimu
Terbelenggu satu
Oleh ucapan janjimu

Reff 2 :

Dan kau bisikkan kata cinta
Kau t’lah percikkan rasa sayang
Akankah kita seirama
Saat terikat rasa hina

Friday, October 8, 2010

Final Exam = Stress.

Hello people. Long time no see haha. The Final Exams are here and I’ve been quite busy for the past 2 weeks. I’ve finished my English, Mother Tongue, Social Studies and Elementary Maths (Paper 1) Final Exam. Just had my E Maths and SS exam today. E Maths was easy peasy lemon juicy. Haha. Well, not that easy, but it was easy. It wasn’t quite far from last year’s paper. But SS… Let’s just say that I’m already dead. I think I’ll score for the SEQ, but for SBQ… I didn’t even get to finish all! Can you believe having to write 2x4 paragraphs in 45 minutes? I think that’s crazy. Anybody who can get an A1 for SS must be a genius, and a quick writer too. I just hope I pass all of my exams and get some distinctions. Aamiin.

So… OH YEAH! I’m going back to Indonesia next week~ I won’t have to go to school on 15th October ‘cause I don’t have any exams on that day and I don’t have to go to school on 18th October either because that day will be used for paper marking. And my exam will finish at 10.15 on 14th October so I’ll be flying to Jakarta that afternoon. I am SO happy. And I think we’re gonna go to Bandung that weekend. It’s gonna be super fun!

Anyway.. I saw this super weird iPhone charger. Check it out. It’s in the shape of an umblical chord.

Cool right? Oh yeah, I also saw these cute scotch tapes.

This one will come in handy haha.

That’s all for today.. Hope you all have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Go to hell with your aids!" -SOEKARNO; Indonesia's 1st President

“Soekarno buat Presiden Amerika bertekuk lutut.” [Translate: Soekarno made American President fall to their knees.]

Soekarno is Indonesia’s first president. To tell you the truth, I think Bung Karno would be my favourite Indonesian president. He had the courage and the brains. Could you believe that he actually said “Go to hell with your aids!” to America?! He’s really an idol. He really knew how to negotiate things.

Bung Karno geram. Ike mencoba merayunya, “Tolong bebaskan pilotku”. Tapi Bung Karno tetap saja geram. Mungkin juga karena yang merayu Soekarno adalah Ike, seorang pria tua. Ike itu adalah nama panggilan D. Dwight Eisenhower, presiden AS di masa itu. Kali ini Amerika memang kena batunya.
Negara digdaya itu dibikin malu Indonesia ketika pilotnya, Allen Pope ditembak jatuh di pulau Morotai. Lebih malu lagi, karena dengan tertangkapnya pilot itu, kedok AS dan CIA akhirnya terbuka. Kedok yang membuktikan AS melalui CIA sudah main api dengan petualangannya di balik pemberontakan separatisme di Indonesia. Termasuk juga infiltrasi AS yang mempersenjatai para pemberontak itu. Ini yang bikin Bung Karno geram, dan mulai memainkan kartu trufnya.
Bung Karno yang tadinya dikerjai Amerika, sekarang balas mengerjai Amerika. Bung Karno sadar, tertangkapnya Allen Pope mendongkrak posisi tawar Indonesia di hadapan Amerika. Cerita selanjutnya adalah bagaimana Ike dan John F. Kennedy jadi repot dibuatnya.Inilah moment bersejarah ketika Indonesia yang miskin untuk pertama kalinya punya posisi tawar tinggi di hadapan “juragan kaya”, Amerika.
Bung Karno tidak cuma menuntut Amerika mesti minta maaf. Tapi masih ada sederet permintaan lain yang bikin Amerika “maju kena mundur kena”. Eisenhower minta Indonesia melepaskan pilot Allen Pope. Tapi Bung Karno tidak mau melepas begitu saja dengan gratis. Pilot itu adalah kartu truf-nya.

Allen Pope
Inilah kisah bagaimana Bung Karno dengan amarah “memiting leher Allen Pope” sambil telunjuknya memberi isyarat agar Amerika mau bersimpuh di kaki Bung Karno (tentu saja ini hanya simbolisasi teatrikal).
Gantung Allen Pope! Hukum mati Allen Pope! Begitu gelombang protes di depan kedutaan AS di Jakarta setelah Allen Pope tertangkap. tahun 1958 itu . Rakyat Indonesia memang dibikin naik darah oleh kelakuan Allen Pope. Soalnya si pilot ini sudah menjatuhkan bom di Ambon yang memakan tak sedikit korban jiwa.
Di tengah suasana panas itu, teman-teman Mas Tok atau Guntur Soekarnoputra tidak berhenti menjejalinya dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar pilot Allen Pope.Percakapan Bung Karno dengan putra sulungnya berkaitan hal itu, sudah banyak diungkap berbagai sumber. Tapi sebetulnya ada yang lebih penting lagi di balik percakapan antara Bung Karno dan Mas Tok berikut ini…..
Bung Karno sedang mandi. Mas Tok yang masih remaja menggedor-gedor pintu kamar mandi. Tidak sabar. Karena pintu terus digedor, Bung Karno melongok sebentar. “Ada apa tho Mas Tok? Bapak belum selesai mandi”.
Begitu pintu terbuka, Mas Tok langsung menyambar ayahnya dengan pertanyaan, “Bener nggak sih bapak menukar pembebasan Allen Pope dengan tebusan pesawat Hercules?”. Mas Tok memang tidak sabaran ingin segera tahu jawabnya. Saat itu juga dia harus mendapatkan bocoran jawabannya. Memang sebelumnya di antara teman-temannya, mereka sudah kasak-kusuk membenarkan gosip itu. Mas Tok jadi panas juga. Soalnya sebagai anak Bung Karno, seharusnya dia lebih tahu dari teman-temannya.
Mas Tok yang penasaran tidak perlu menunggu lama menanti jawab ayahnya. Pertanyaan Mas Tok itu langsung disambar dengan tawa khas ayahnya. Menggelegar, “Hahahahaha……biar saja Amerika kasih Hercules itu buat Bapak. Kalau Amerika kirim pesawat lagi, nanti Bapak suruh tembak lagi. Sebagai tebusannya, Bapak minta Marilyn Monroe dan Ava Gardner”.

Ava Gardner
Itu humor khas Bung Karno. Humor seorang negarawan nyentrik. Cara Bung karno bercanda dengan politikus sejawatnya sehari-hari, tidak beda jauh dengan guyonan-nya dengan anak-anaknya. Mas Tok dan adik-adiknya sudah hafal adat ayahnya. Dasar Bung Karno!Tapi sebetulnya di balik canda itu, mungkin bahkan Bung Karno dan Mas Tok sendiri waktu itu belum menyadari sesuatu. Yaitu buntut dari posisi tawar Indonesia tadi, Bung Karno telah memulai tonggak lahirnya sejarah armada baru bagi AURI, yaitu lahirnya skuadron Hercules di Indonesia. Armada ini kelak turut punya andil dalam merebut Irian Barat dari Belanda.Itu semua berawal dari negosiasi tarik ulur demi pembebasan seorang pilot yang bikin Amerika gelisah. Bagaimana tidak? Soalnya kalau tidak segera diselamatkan, bisa-bisa pilot itu buka mulut tentang info rahasia yang berkaitan dengan permainan CIA.
Dulu serangan Maukar ke Istana didesas-desuskan akibat Bung Karno menggoda tunangan sang pilot.
Gosip selanjutnya menghantam Bung Karno lagi. Yaitu pembebasan pilot Allen Pope digosipkan karena Bung Karno dirayu oleh istri Pope, yang sengaja didatangkan dari Amerika. Walaahhh….
Kedengaran kayak gosip murahan. Tapi tunggu dulu! Sejarah kadang memang diwarnai gosip murahan, yang bermuara pada hasil yang tidak murahan. Konon itu yang namanya intrik politik tingkat tinggi. Intrik yang menggunakan sisi kelemahan Bung Karno. Kelemahan apalagi kalau bukan soal perempuan? Mentang-mentang Bung Karno mata keranjang…..
Bung Karno memang mata keranjang. Tapi pihak yang anti Bung Karno kadang memanipulasi sisi ini secara berlebihan. Sama halnya CIA yang menggunakan kelemahan don yuan-nya Bung Karno untuk menjatuhkan kredibilitas presiden RI di mata rakyatnya. Menjatuhkan Bung Karno adalah satu-satunya cara agar Amerika bisa bercokol kuat di Indonesia. Sudah dicoba segala cara agar Bung Karno jatuh, tidak berhasil juga. Dicoba dengan cara ancaman embargo, penghentian bantuan…..ehhh Bung Karno malah teriak, “Go to hell with your aid!”.

Go to hell with your aid!
Akhirnya CIA pakai cara lain. Yaitu infiltrasi ke berbagai pemberontakan di Indonesia. Puncaknya terjadi dalam pertempuran di pulau Morotai, tahun 1958. Ketika itu TNI (pasukan marinir, pasukan gerak cepat AU, dan AD) menggempur Permesta, gerakan pemberontakan di Sulawesi Utara.
Persenjataan Permesta tidak bisa dianggap enteng. Soalnya ada bantuan senjata dari luar. Tadinya tudingan bahwa CIA adalah biang kerok semua ini masih dugaan saja. Ketika kapal pemburu AL dan mustang AU melancarkan serangannya, satu pesawat Permesta terbakar jatuh.
Sebelum jatuh, ada dua parasut yang tampak mengembang keluar dari pesawat itu. Parasut itu tersangkut di pohon kelapa. TNI segera membekuk dua orang. Yang satu namanya Harry Rantung anggota Permesta. Dan yang tak terduga, satunya lagi bule Amerika. Itulah si pilot Allen Pope. Dari dokumen-dokumen yang disita, terkuak Allen Pope terkait dengan operasi CIA. Yaitu menyusup di gerakan pemberontakan di Indonesia untuk menggulingkan Soekarno.Tak pelak lagi, tuduhan bahwa Amerika dengan CIA adalah dalang pemberontakan separatis, bukan isapan jempol!
Peristiwa tertangkapnya Allen Pope adalah tamparan bagi Amerika. Itu mungkin terwakili dalam kalimat Allan Pope ketika tertangkap. Setelah pesawat B-26 yang dipilotinya jatuh dihajar mustang AU dan kapal pemburu AL, komentar Pope: “Biasanya negara saya yang menang, tapi kali ini kalian yang menang”. Setelah itu dia masih sempat minta rokok.

B-26 kena tembak
Tapi sebetulnya yang lebih bikin malu Amerika bukan soal kalah yang dikatakan Pope tadi. Tapi tertangkapnya Allan Pope mengungkap permainan kotor AS untuk menggulingkan Soekarno. Amerika terus ngeyel menyangkal. Tapi bukti-bukti yang ada, akhirnya membungkam mulut Amerika.
Taktik kotor itu jadi gunjingan internasional. Tanpa ampun, kedok Amerika dengan CIA-nya berhasil dibuka Indonesia, lengkap dengan bukti-bukti telak. Amerika terpaksa berubah 180 derajat menjadi baik pada Soekarno. Semua operasi CIA untuk mengguncang Bung Karno (untuk sementara) dihentikan.
Amerika berusaha mati-matian minta pilotnya dibebaskan. Segala cara pun mulai dilakukan untuk mengambil hati Bung Karno. Eisenhower mengundang Soekarno ke AS bulan Juni 1960. Lalu Soekarno juga diundang John Kennedy di bulan April 1961. Di balik segala alasan diplomatik tentang kunjungan itu, tak bisa disangkal itu semua buntut dari cara Bung Karno memainkan kartunya terhadap Amerika.
Selama periode itu, Bung Karno main tarik ulur dengan pembebasan Pope. Tarik ulur itu berjalan alot. Karena Bung Karno ogah melepaskan Pope begitu saja. Bung Karno sengaja berlama-lama “memiting leher” Allan Pope sebelum Amerika meng-iya-kan permintaan Indonesia. Amerika mati kutu. Tak ada jalan lain. Negosiasi pun segera dimulai. Negosiasi alot yang memakan waktu 4 tahun, sebelum akhirnya Allen Pope benar-benar bebas.
Dimulai dengan Ike atau Eisenhower yang membujuk, merayu dan mengundang Bung Karno ke Amerika. Namun sesudahnya Bung Karno tetap tidak mau tunduk diatur-atur Ike. Situasi mulai berubah sedikit melunak setelah kursi kepresidenan AS beralih ke John F. Kennedy.

Soekarno bersama JFK
John Kennedy tahu, kepribadian Soekarno sangat kuat dan benci di-dikte. Karena itu dengan persahabatan dia mampu “merangkul” Soekarno. “Kennedy adalah presiden Amerika yang sangat mengerti saya”, kata Bung Karno.Dengan John, negosiasi mulai mengarah ke titik terang. Berkaitan itu pula, John mengirim adiknya Robert Kennedy ke Jakarta. Robert membawa sejumlah misi, diantaranya: “bebaskan Pope”.

Robert Kennedy dan istri (di belakang Soekarno)
Konon ketika itu juga Amerika mengirim istri Allen Pope yang cantik. Perhitungannya, wanita cantik mampu meluluhkan hati Bung Karno. Ini asal mula beredar issue bahwa Bung Karno dirayu istri Allen Pope. Yang tidak banyak disebutkan orang, yaitu ibu dan saudara perempuan Allen Pope juga datang memohon-mohon dengan tangisan minta belas kasihan Bung Karno.Buat Bung Karno, pilot itu dibebaskan atau tidak dibebaskan, hasilnya sama saja. Yaitu tidak membuat korban-korban bom si pilot bisa hidup kembali. Jadi kenapa tidak memanfaatkan saja ketakutan Amerika yang ciut kalau pilot itu buka mulut?
Bung Karno memainkan kartu trufnya atas dasar apa yang dibutuhkan bangsa Indonesia pada waktu itu. Indonesia betul-betul sengsara dan kelaparan, jadi butuh uang dan nasi. Indonesia sedang bertempur melawan Belanda untuk merebut Irian Barat. Jadi butuh senjata, sejumlah perangkat perang dan armada tempur.
Permintaan Bung Karno itu tentu saja tidak disampaikan dengan cara mengemis. Tapi dengan cara yang menyeret Amerika untuk membuat interpretasi diplomatik. Mau tidak mau, isyarat diplomatik Soekarno bikin Amerika harus bisa membaca yang tersirat di balik yang tersurat.Dibanding Ike alias Eisenhower, John Kennedy lebih peka membaca isyarat itu. Itulah yang dimaksud Bung Karno bahwa John Kennedy mengerti dirinya. Kennedy tidak cuma sekedar mengundang Bung Karno ke Amerika untuk plesiran. Tapi juga ada tindak lanjut nyata di balik undangan diplomatik itu.
John paham Indonesia butuh perangkat perang untuk merebut Irian Barat. Di antaranya armada tempur. Karena itu diajaknya Bung Karno mengunjungi pabrik pesawat Lockheed di Burbank, California. Di sana Bung Karno dbantu dalam pembelian 10 pesawat hercules tipe B, terdiri dari 8 kargo dan 2 tanker.

Lockheed ,Burbank- California.
Negosiasi pembebasan Allen Pope antara Ike dan Bung Karno tadinya alot. Tapi jadi licin jalannya dengan John. Dia tidak pelit membalas “kebaikan” Bung Karno yang memenuhi permintaan AS untuk membebaskan Allen Pope.

Allen Pope diadili

Hasilnya? Hercules dari Amerika, menjadi cikal bakal lahirnya armada Hercules bagi AURI (armada yang kelak ikut bertempur merebut Irian Barat). Bung Karno bisa membuat Amerika menghentikan embargo. Lalu menyuntik dana ke Indonesia. Juga beras 37.000 ton dan ratusan persenjataan perangkat perang. Kebutuhan itu semua memang sesuai dengan kondisi Indonesia saat itu.
Ternyata begini ini yang namanya negosiasi tingkat tinggi. Akhirnya Allen Pope dibebaskan secara diam-diam oleh suatu misi rahasia di suatu subuh, Februari 1962. Negosiasi itu seluruhnya tentu makan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Siapa yang mesti membayar semua itu? Konon rekening Permesta yang harus membayar ganti rugi akibat negosiasi itu. Sempat terdengar selentingan bahwa jalan by pass Cawang-Tanjung Priok dan Hotel Indonesia lama di Bundaran HI Thamrin, adalah wujud dari ganti rugi itu. Benarkah demikian? Wallahualam.Sayang hubungan mesra Bung Karno dengan Amerika berakhir setelah Kennedy terbunuh tahun 1963. Terbunuhnya Kennedy membuat CIA kembali leluasa mewujudkan mimpi lama yang sempat terhenti. Yaitu terus mengguncang kursi Bung Karno, hingga Putra Sang Fajar itu akhirnya benar-benar terbenam. Kita semua tahu bagaimana akhir episode itu.
Sumber :

I know I don’t really know much about this topic, but… Soekarno was a really decent politician. MERDEKA!
