Saturday, January 22, 2011

Damon Salvatore

You might have recognised the name on the title for a character on The Vampire Diaries…and yes! I am talking about him. I started watching TVD 2 months ago and I have been addicted and obsessed with TVD since then.

My favourite character in the series is definitely Damon Salvatore. Yeah, he’s the big badass brother, and he’s awesome! Below are reasons why I loooove Damon so much.

He has his own type of humor, he likes to make sarcastic comments….or in other words: Damon humor.

Try watching this!

He’s very loyal and will always fight for what he believes. He really believes in friendship and love.

He’s the big badass brother.

He may be a badass, but his actions are actually because of love. All he does, every person he’s killed, he believes that it’s all for love. His character is actually more deeper and complex than we think!

He can do this really awesome eye thing.

Damon’s a good dancer.

He makes the show more alive!

He has tons of different and unique ‘Damon faces’.

One last thing. Take a look at this picture.

I think Damon is waaay more awesome than Edward Cullen. He's got style, he doesn't sparkle in the sun, he's got this eye thing, and loooads more. DAMON FTW!

That’s all for now! Byebye!

Stefan: What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?

Damon: It’s risking another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead. We… kissed.

Stefan: What do you mean you kissed?

Damon: Well, you know… when two lips pucker and they go *make kissing noises*

Damon: I’ve got a better idea.

Elena: What’s that?

Damon: I’m just gonna ignore the bitch.

Stefan: Yeah… then what?

Damon: Stake her, rip her head off… something poetic.

Damon: Believe it or not, Stefan. Some girls just don't need my persuasion. Some girls just can't resist my good looks... my style... and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.

PS: The GIFs and pictures are not mine

Friday, January 14, 2011

My cell phone nearly got confiscated. EEEK

Thank God that didn't happen. Thank God my phone didn't get confiscated. What would my life be without my BlackBerry D': (oke lebay -_-).

Jadi gini, tadi pas lagi Art Council, kita kan dikasih tas tas polos gitu untuk didekor. Pada saat itu, banyak yang make hape. Nggak semua sih, tapi banyak kok. Malah ada yang dengerin lagu pake earphone -_-. Jadi ya udah, aku make hape. Tujuannya nggak munafik atau kenapa napa kok. Cuman untuk nyari gambar untuk ide dekor tas.

Beberapa saat setelah itu, guru A (biasanya baik) kayaknya nangkep seseorang make hape. Trus dia langsung umumin ke semua orang "Don't let me see you use your handphone ah!" Trus jadinya untuk beberapa saat langsung gue sembunyiin tuh hape. Tapi nggak lama setelah itu, banyak juga yang make hape. Trus guru B dateng ke mejaku. Di mejaku ada 3 orang yang make alat elektronik (2 BB dan satu iPod) untuk nyari gambar. Dan gurunya biasa aja tuh. Malah nanya ke temenku, "Kamu mau gambar apa tuh?" gitu.

Setelah itu... Aku kan make hape gitu kan. Trus tiba-tiba dari kejauhan aku liat guru A jalan ke arahku. Aku udah takut aja tuh dia ngeliat gue make hape. Dan ternyata bener. Dia langsung ngambil hape gue trus ngomogn "I have no choice! You let me see you using your handphone so I will have to confiscate it." Gue langsung diem :o trus bilang "But..." trus dia ngomong "What were you using your handphone for?" trus gue bilang "I was using it to find pictures for the bag!" trus gue tunjukin kan. Trus akhirnya dia ngalah, trus bilang "But next time when you want to use your handphone you must ask permission from me!" Oke deh bos. Padahal sama guru yang satu lagi biasa aja tuh... Gimana nih gak ada koordinasi antara guru yang satu dengan yang lain -_- ckck.

But, well yeah, maybe I was wrong. Gue juga seharusnya ijin dulu sih. Tapi sebenernya kalo udah diliat guru B make hape tapi gak diapa apain nggak papa dong? Ah tau ah. The past is the past. Learn from it :)

Oh ya. Art Council hari ini... was surprisingly funner (?) / more fun than usual. Thumbs up for Art Council!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life After Secondary School

Kemaren pas hari Rabu pas lagi Upper Sec Assembly Mr Ho ceramah tentang 'O' Level. Tambah pressurized... -_- Dan juga tambah motivated sih. Gurunya cerita tentang pas hari Senin, pada nerima hasil 'O' Level, banyak yang nangis. Banyak yang dapet nilai kurang memuaskan. Katanya ada tuh beberapa anak, mereka emang jarang dateng buat Afternoon Study Programme dll, trus nilainya diatas 30 point! Gilaa, mau lanjutin sekolah kemana tuh?

Aku pinginnya sih kalo lanjut sekolah di Singapore, masuk Junior College. Tapi kalo mau masuk JC pointnya harus kecill. Kemaren kan kita ke Anderson JC, lagi ada Open House tuh. Temenku ada yang nanyain tentang nilai-nilai mereka. Katanya kebanyakan pada 6-pointers. Artinya... mereka dapet A1 untuk 6 pelajaran. WOW. Can I do that? Why not? Memang nggak akan gampang, tapi nggak ada yang nggak mungkin :D

Tadi malem aku juga udah nyari-nyari rank JC di Singapore. Dan hasilnya ini.... (Top 10)

  1. Raffles Junior College
  2. Hwa Chong Junior College
  3. Temasek Junior College
  4. Victoria Junior College
  5. National Junior College
  6. Anderson Junior College
  7. Anglo Chinese Junior College
  8. Saint Andrew's Junior College
  9. Nanyang Junior College
  10. Jurong Junior College

Mending lanjut kemana? Ya :o

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

School school school.

'O' Levels THIS YEAR.

Just last year I had to do the national exam in Indonesia. This year I have to go though another year of exams, studies, and all things related to school. I need a break...

Anyway... I'd rather tell stories about my holiday than school. :)

During the holiday, I watched the second leg of the Finals in the AFF Cup (or more known as the Suzuki Cup) live at Stadium Utama Gelora Bung Karno. It was epic. A lot of people came.. The streets were just full of red people. I wore a red coloured T-shirt too. It's a replica of the Indonesia soccer team jersey.
I had fun there. I really felt like an Indonesian. I joined the others singing the Indonesian national anthem. We cheered when our players came out... We cheered real loud. And when the opponents came... Well, we didn't really cheer. The weird thing is that... How come I didn't see any Malaysians there? I mean, it's Indonesia vs Malaysia, shouldn't there be any Malaysians? I didn't see any people in yellow :|
We were the winners that day, but we weren't champions. But nevertheless, GARUDA TETAP IDOLAKU. (Translate: Garuda is still my champion). No matter what happens... I will still proud of Indonesia.
The man of the match was AHMAD BUSTOMI from INDONESIA! He's one of my favourite players! The best player throughout the cup was also from Indonesia, he's the captain of our squad, FIRMAN UTINA. The top scorer was from Malaysia, SAFEE SALI with 6 goals if I'm not mistaken. I think we did wonderfully during the tournament. We've been runner ups 4 times! Well, maybe it's just not the time for us.

Besides that, I'd like to comment on some of the Indonesians attitudes. During the first matches... Our squad was really awesome. We beat Malaysia 5-1, crushed Laos 6-0 and defeated Thailand 2-1. I think these wins made some Indonesians... Hmm I don't know what to say. Too arrogant? At that time, we already felt like champions. But the truth was... We weren't yet. Then there was this schedule from PSSI. I think they kinda filled some of the player's free time with... Unimportant things. We should have focused.
But anyway, the past is the past. We should just prepare for the future.

I don't feel like writing anything else. Byebye.