Sunday, April 17, 2011

AFS Student Exchange Program!

Hello guys!

I've signed up for this student exchange program, it's held by the American Field Service (AFS). So basically, if you get chosen for the program you get a chance to experience 1 year (or approximately 11 months) in a foreign country. You get to live with a host family, go to school and experience life there.

It sounds really interesting. I read the blogs of some of the students who were chosen to participate in this program, and it just sounds so fun! I've signed up for this program, and I hope I qualify for this... It's my dream to study in USA, and if I get to go there... It would be a dream come true. Well, if I get chosen to go to another country is still okay haha.
These are links to news about the AFS student exchange program:

There's gonna be a selection test in a couple of weeks. and if I pass that test, there will be another test, and another test, and then national selections and international selections. It's a long road, but why not give it a shot? There's no harm in doing so either. It may sound scary living in a foreign country for a year... But, imagine the experience you get! New friends, new perspective of the world, new stories to tell!

Anyway, that's about it. I really really hope I get chosen for this. It means a lot to me.

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