"Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over." -Gloria Naylor"We are friends and I do like to pass the day with you in serious and inconsequential chatter. I wouldn't mind washing up beside you, dusting beside you, reading the back half of the paper while you read the front. We are friends and I would miss you, do miss you and think of you very often." -Jeanette Winterson"Are you upset little friend? Have you been lying awake worrying? Well, don't worry... I'm here. The flood waters will recede, the famine will end, the sun will shine tomorrow, and I will always be here to take care of you. -Charlie Brown to Snoopy" -Snoopy"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you." -Winnie The Pooh
Darwewin and Third Reich, I really miss you guys :'( Especially Darwewin :'(
Brief description of Darwewin:
#Darwewin #01 Albertus Susanto Putra. Pinter gambar & kreatif haha. Oh ya, dan lucu! Albo the polar bear!
#Darwewin #02 Andressina Sarah Satyadenny. Pinter gambar juga, suka manga, baik :)
#Darwewin #03 Annisa Tayara Callista. Asik, kocak, orangnya pede (y)
#Darwewin #04 Anugrah Rachmarifqi. Asik, asik diajak ngomong, kocak, sukanya ngomong bahasa Jawa wakakak (y)
#Darwewin #05 Bagus Satrio Prakoso. Baik, pinter main bola
#Darwewin #06 Bramastra Cahyo Wilogo. Kocak baget, one of the class 'clowns', pede, suka ngumpetin sepatunya Shabi sama Dhea bareng sama Dewa. Oh ya, direbutin Chaca sama Elice wakakak
#Darwewin #07 Chalika Bella Pratiwi. Baik, orangnya asik, memperebutkan Bram haha. Kadang-kadang kita suka sok-sok ngomong pake British accent wkwk
#Darwewin #08 Della Marissa Setyaningrum. Baik dan perhatian juga! Kadang-kadang suka repot sendiri tapi haha. Suka bawa laptop ke sekolah kalo lagi nggak ada kerjaan
#Darwewin #09 Dewangga Alamsyah Putra Ariawan. Kocak, pinter, asik, suka ngumpetin sepatunya Shabi sama Dhea bareng Bram... Trus abis itu jadi deket sama Shabi haha
#Darwewin #10 Dihia Rahmi Putri. Baik, suka dikacangin dan terkadang menjadi 'korban' wkwk. Suka ngumpetin balik sepatunya Dewa sam Bram bareng Shabi.
#Darwewin #11 Diandra Safira Hassan. Keliatannya pendiem, tapi sebenernya enggak. Pinter banget, pinter ngarang dan bikin puisi juga. Kalo baca puisi pede (y) lesbi, sukanya sama K... KEMI -_-
#Darwewin #12 Elice Kristiono. Baik dan pinter! Hmm... Apa ya namanya, susah disebutin hehe. Oh ya, ngerebutin Bram wkwk
#Darwewin #13 Hutomo Rachmat Saleh. Pendiem, pinter main gitar! Tapi kalo disuruh main biasanya gak mau -_- woo. Visit his youtube >>> http://www.youtube.com/hutomosaleh. And.. He's my cousin haha. Sekelas 3 tahun -_-
#Darwewin #14 Indira Noor Hanifa Pranabudi. And that's me :)
#Darwewin #15 Keila Putrikakalih Herawan. Baik, sangat kocak apalagi ekspresi mukanya haha (y)
#Darwewin #16 Pradewo Aristu Putra Purwondo. Asik, fotografer handal haha (y)
#Darwewin #17 Raden Gilang Perdana. Keturunan raja... Eh nggak tau deng. Berkumis wkwk, padahal dia kan... Cewek ._.
#Darwewin #18 Sabrina Nurul Hidayah. Baik dan lucu haha :D
#Darwewin #19 Shabira Damarti. Baik, kocak (y) suka ngumpetin sepatunya Dewa sama Bram bareng Dhea, tapi juga jadi korban sepatu. Sepatunya pernah ditempel di atas gitu, trus Ms Wiwin aja gak nyadar haha
#Darwewin #20 Yosephine Devina Tiurma Sidabutar. Baik, udah gitu kalo makan cepet banget ._. AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL (Y) Wakakakak
#Darwewin Mrs Fransiska Ari Winasti. Our class teacher (y) Ms Wiwin itu bangga dibilang galak, saya tidak tau mengapa ._. walaupun 'galak', tapi kadang-kadang kocak haha

Me miss you DIRA! Thirdreich, Darwin! K....EMI! :(
ReplyDeleteI almost cried when I hear songs that I usually play back there. I want to go back :(